Energy Efficiency Through Cycle Optimization



Thermostats are incapable of achieving maximum efficiency for the cycles in air conditioning, heat pump and refrigeration systems. The Auditor on Board® resolves this shortcoming.

  • At start up, a cooling system produces a large temperature drop using little energy.

  • As the temperature drops closer and closer to its lowest set point, the system compressor uses more and more energy to produce that temperature drop.

  • The Auditor on Board® is installed between the primary controller (like a thermostat) and the compressor, allowing it to intercept signals from one to the other.

  • The Auditor on Board® then determines when and for how long a compressor will run, helping the compressor operating cycle to run in its most efficient state.

  • By helping the compressor run in this more efficient state, the Auditor on Board® reduces the total run time of the compressor. This reduces the total electrical consumption of the compressor.

Auditor on Board® can save an average of 15% (kWh) usage and 10% (kW) peak demand on compressor operation.


Auditor on Board® is compatible with any HVAC or refrigeration system with one or two stages of control.

The Auditor on Board® interfaces with existing controls and equipment. Installation is quick and reliable with no impact to system operation or comfort.

Even on the most modern equipment with intelligent controls, or where other energy saving processes are already installed, the Auditor on Board® can provide energy efficiency gains.

Auditor on Board®

Cut costs and start saving today.
Contact for pricing and availability.

The Auditing Process

To give you, the potential client, a time and action plan, the following sequence of events should take place. Once we have a signed Utility Monitoring Agreement (UMA), Letter of Authorization (LOA) and necessary account billing numbers (latest copy of your most recent bills) sent to us, we can then start your audit: Due to the high volume of demand to audit, quarterly planning by AUBA is necessary.

Step 1: Analyze each utility invoice for each location / exchange
American Utility Bill Auditors will review every rate for every item billed to determine if it is billed in accordance with prevailing tariff regulations. AUBA maintains an up-to-date tariff library.

Step 2: Perform a physical inventory of equipment at each location
The inventories will be done for each individual billing location. The inventory will include all Central Office Services and terminal equipment found at each location. Each rate class will be identified and proper analysis determined, if the right class of service has been classified.

Step 3: Reconciliation
This is done by comparing the inventory with the appropriate Customer Service Record. This will result in a list of services billed that could not be found and services found that are not billed. At this time, we utilize our tariff library to determine if the items that are billed and found are being billed in accordance with prevailing tariff regulations - this will result in a discrepancy list.

Step 4: Claims
All billing discrepancies will be submitted to the appropriate utility with a copy to your company. The utility will then set up a date with us to verify our complaint. Upon verification we will request the vendor to correct the bill immediately. This will correct the bills immediately, while we continue our research to determine when the over-billings began. Our client and local utility (The local provider, and long distance vendors, energy providers, water and waste companies) records are utilized to establish the date of calculation for refunds.